When is the right time to get total hip replacement surgery?

It is difficult to live with a damaged hip and there is little need to continue living in pain when you have the option to get total hip replacement surgery in Delhi at no added cost.

Signs of hip damage

·         The damaged hip will become stiff
·         It will be very difficult for you to put on shoes and socks
·         Feeling of discomfort even when relaxing

Arthritis is the greatest cause of hip damage in a majority of people and things start deteriorating with mild pain and difficulty in moving and getting in and out of achair. Fracture due to a trauma like slip and fall accident could also result in hip damage. In this situation, you could feel mild to intense pain depending on the damage.

You can start the treatment of damaged hip with painkillers that will provide temporary relief from the pain and suffering. This relief will work like an aid to lifestyle changes to remove unnecessary pressure from damaged hip. But replacing the damaged hip is the best treatment as continuing with a damaged hip could trigger problem in spine and lower body parts.

Anatomy of a hip joint

It is like a ball-and-socket where the ball moves in the socket with the help of cartilage cushioning and lubricant that prevents wear and tear of the joint. Also, there are ligaments that keep the ball connected to the socket. But aging could damage the cushioning or dry the lubricant that allows free movement of the ball in the socket.


·         Total hip replacement is called hip arthroplasty and it includes replacing the damaged bone and cartilages with prosthetic components.

·         The damaged ball is removed and replaced with a metal stem containing a metal or ceramic ball. The stem is either cemented in the femur or “press fit” into the bone.

·         The damaged socked is replaced with a metal piece and screwed or cemented to its place

·         A plastic or metal spacer is placed between the ball and the socket for smooth functioning of the replaced joint.

Post-surgery, you can return to normal but with many precautions. And if you can take care of the replaced hip, you can lead a normal life for rest of your life.For more information on total hip replacement surgery in Delhi NCR, you can visit an orthopaedic surgeon and discuss your needs in detail. He will educate you on the advantages and risks involved in total hip replacement.


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